Google has made this feature for the safety purpose, so you can check that whether your password is weak or strong, this feature will also identify breaches. In the new release, Google has added a feature in its browser that page will show you the list of accounts having weak credentials by tapping the “Check passwords’’. You can turn this feature on manually with a flag, by going on this page:Ĭhrome://flags/#edit-passwords-in-settings If you are using Chrome on your desktop and still not able to see the new changes after updating the chrome. This feature will be released on desktops and iOS – Android will also get this release soon. When you save the password on Chrome and next time you enter it again, you can manually update or change the password from the central list on chrome://settings/passwords. This new release has also changed some authorizations for websites. This will make the user edit the saved password so that no unauthorized person can get access to them. Google is kicking the new release Chrome 88 with some major changes in this new year. Google is trying its best to make its browser according to the latest choice of its users, so to give tough time to the Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.